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Specifications For The Use Of Artificial Football Grass

Specifications for the use of Artificial Football Grass :
1. Requirements for sports characteristics of artificial turf in football fields
①Resistance: The resistance value of natural turf is 25-50 Nm; the resistance value of artificial turf is 35-45 Nm.
②Shock-absorbing performance: The requirement for natural turf is between 50% and 70%, and that for artificial turf is between 55% and 70%.
③Anti-slip performance: the requirement for natural turf is 0.6-1.0, and that for artificial turf is 0.6-1.0.
④Sliding distance: the sliding distance of natural turf is 0.20-0.55 meters; the sliding distance of artificial turf is 0.25-0.45 meters.
⑤Deformation performance: For natural turf, the muddy turf soaked in water deforms greatly while the dry turf has little or no deformation; the deformation degree of artificial turf in sports fields is between 1 and 7 mm.
2. Field test of artificial turf
① Flatness (macro) less than 10 mm within 3 meters.
②Slope <1.0%.
③Foundation permeability greater than 180mm/hour.
④The flatness is less than 2 mm within 300 mm.
3. The impact of artificial turf on the sports field on the ball
①Vertical bounce height: the value of natural turf is between 25% and 45%; the value of artificial turf is between 30% and 42%.
②The bouncing situation of the ball at different angles: at an angle of 25 degrees, the bouncing speed is 50 kilometers per hour, and the height is 60% to 80%.
③Rolling speed of the ball: the value of natural turf is 4m-10m; the value of artificial turf is 4m-10m.

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